• Question: have you ever researched about space?

    Asked by anon-306019 on 9 Dec 2021.
    • Photo: Enrique Casanas

      Enrique Casanas answered on 9 Dec 2021:

      Sometimes wished I did but there are plenty of problems down here that need the help of people like me! But who knows, maybe I will in the future.

    • Photo: Iona Murdock

      Iona Murdock answered on 9 Dec 2021:

      I haven’t personally but other scientists at my company (National Nuclear Laboratory) research possible ways of powering spacecrafts

    • Photo: Tom Ross

      Tom Ross answered on 9 Dec 2021:

      A lot of my friends are astrophysicists and aeronautical engineers, but I’ve never done any research in those areas myself. Nuclear offers a lot of promise in space because it is so energy dense – that means that more energy can be extracted from a smaller mass of fuel (which means that cheaper spacecraft can be manufactured).

    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 9 Dec 2021:

      No, but i studied a module on astrophysics when I was at university. I love learning about all the new technology used in space and how people are using it to study far off places.

    • Photo: Marianne Morris

      Marianne Morris answered on 9 Dec 2021:

      Yes, my undergraduate degree was in Physics and Astrophysics. For my 4th Year project I used computer simulations to map the distribution of dark matter through time (since the Big Bang) and use this to understand how galaxy groups and galaxy clusters are formed. That feels like a very long time ago now 🙂 the work I do these days is completely different!

    • Photo: Rea Kozlowski

      Rea Kozlowski answered on 13 Dec 2021:

      No, I have not. But a lot of my friends do, so we are often chatting about their research stuff (;

    • Photo: Calum Cunningham

      Calum Cunningham answered on 13 Dec 2021:

      Unfortunately I haven’t (even though I’ve always loved space and still dream of being an astronaut) but something I learnt recently is that a lot of things up in space right now are being powered by nuclear energy. Nasa use radioactive isotopes like plutonium-238 basically as a super-reliable battery because it can create heat all by itself!

    • Photo: Gavin Thomson

      Gavin Thomson answered on 14 Dec 2021:

      not really but i studied geology at university and we got to look at samples from the moon brought back from a lunar mission which was pretty cool. they had some pieces of meteorite too i am pretty sure.
